Me looking awfully happy with the latest toy. 6.0 x 20 x 2.5 very nice size for my current "out of practice" situation.
On the way to bali - during the flight i heard that a Warung at Balangan had court fire.
It was quite a concern since we really love Balangan from last time we visited (09), and the Warungs are really close to each other,
so other warungs could catch fire very easily. Plus the hole human aspect of it, people gettin injured and or loosing there livelyhood.
Luckily no one got injured !!!!!
When we got there it looked bad and the Warung in question was burned to the ground. But it had´t destroyed the naighboring warungs
and the one to the right of it, had a little wooden Box
with a little writing on it explaing the need to help the unfortunent neighbour so ofcause we did.
They had also put a book next to the box where they asked us to write our name down and county and so on.
We ordered some food and enjoied the veiw on the tranquille beach , and after an hour or so, i went to catch some waves.
I meet a german couple, both were surfers and now living in South Africa. The guy was DJ´íng and shaping surfboards.
They were on the last part of a surftrip that included Srilanka, the Maldives, Australia and a quick trip to Mentawai too before going back home.
a viewpoint situated to the right at balangan, it has a nice secluded little temple cave, down the stairson the far side between the two lawns in the photo.
We had just gotten into the temple and the rain came down like someone had flipped the Oceans upside down.
Rain season really mens Rain SEASON. when it poors it poors!!! but it usualy stoppes with in 10 minutes.
We discovered that the red clay combined with water really wasn´t our friend and have since found some clay still stuck to clothes home in denmark.
Brazillian Waterman and Guitarist
Local at Canggu Rotating like crazy on a almost non existing wave.
Early morning my balicoffee, my camera and the nice view from the Echo Beach restaurant plateau i spottet this gentleman looking for waves.
(Owner Julien and SurfPhotographer Diogo @inwaterwetrust Poolside)
One day we Joey, Gerald, matias and i went to "Eat sleep skate" in Sanur .owned and run by Julien an super nice French guy
who´s been living in Bali since the late 80´s, arround 89 i think.
we were invited to skate and started with some refreshments at the bar / restaurant.
I only had 20-25 min to shoot a couple of pictures and meet up with my girlfriend, son and friend Sara to eat dinner.
The sun had already set and we had very little light to work with, the floodlights at the skatepark helped out quite a bit.
Julien with a nice 5 - 0 grind, from the straight section and into the corner and popping it out so effotless midway making it look so easy!
Joey was on fire too, he smacket this madonna on the narroest section of the platform so the photographer (me) almost got a black Nail.
Joey was also throwing a couple of nice B-smithgrinds in the deep section.
Here is a stylish Frontside Rock N Roll, after a long day putting Alis and Delux stickers on everything in sight.
Gerald whissing by - styling a Frontside Smithgrind, he went by so fast that the whole world spun !!
end of Chapter 1